Graph showing sand-free and sand-prone pressure regimes, plotted as a function of reservoir pressure over the life of a well
Correlation between thick-walled cylinder (TWC) strength and unconfined compressive strength (UCS) derived from laboratory testing of core
We provide sand prediction analyses based on foot-by-foot assessment of log-derived mechanical properties, tied closely to reservoir sand strength measurements from laboratory tests and foot-by-foot predictions of the in situ stress state. Our StressWell tool permits sand failure assessments using the full three-dimensional stress state, transformed into wellbores or perforations of any orientation.
  1.     Models to predict onset of sanding
  2.     New aspects of current sand prediction models
  3.     Cavity completions in weak sands (Joint Industry Project phases 1,2,3)
  4.     Advanced sand predictions for casing/perf or fracpack completions
  5.     Geomechanics template for selecting and testing cores
  6.     Rock mechanics of weak sands